Samantha Brenneman Honored

Last Updated July 21, 2021

Samantha Brenneman has been chosen as one of Partners’ two Employees of the Month for June. A Program Coordinator with the Home Community Based Alternatives (HCBA) Program, she joined Partners in May 2019. Samantha’s attention to detail, passion for the community we serve, and ability to independently manage day to day functions, has been the foundation of HCBA’s success. She has shown impeccable organizational skills and demonstrated willingness to go above and beyond to maximize workflow and development of a dynamic program. Samantha exemplifies the ideals of teamwork and perseverance and has worked one-on-one with the HCBA care managers for data collection to maintain, interpret, and program pertinent Master Logs. She has assisted our program in reducing and almost eliminating the waitlist within the first quarter of 2021 and has developed working relationships with other HCBA Waiver Agencies to coordinate participant transfers. She has also worked closely with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) regarding verification of participant profile data and to ensure new and existing HCBA care manager profiles are active within the user system. Overall, Samantha is a true asset to the HCBA Program and to Partners in Care Foundation. Congratulations on the honor

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