Jessica Suarez Honored as May 2023 Employee of the Month

Last Updated May 15, 2023

Congratulations to Jessica Suarez on her selection as one of May’s two Employees of the Month

Jessica Suarez started her professional role with Partners in Care Foundation in 2018 as a Providence transitions coach. Providence Health hospitals have engaged Partners to help assure older patients at risk when leaving hospital for home.

In 2021, Jessica was promoted to Lead coach for the South Bay area which serves the San Pedro and Torrance hospitals. Jessica introduces the Care Transitions program to patients while they’re still inpatients, works closely with hospital staff to help patients, and assigns cases to the rest of the Partners team for the follow up Coaching. Her hospitals send over 400 referrals per month. She’s worked on several pilots of new innovations with the hospitals and is always flexible and willing to update her process with little notice.

She’s professional and able to present to hospital leadership. She’s always willing to help out and goes above and beyond to make sure the team is successful. Jessica assists in training other team members and always has a great attitude. She is a pleasure to work with and we’re so happy to have her on our team.

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