Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day – April 24, 2024

Last Updated April 30, 2024

On this day, we remember a terrible event that took place in history.

Between 1915 and 1923, the Ottoman Turkish government planned and then conducted the deportation and murder of over two million Christian Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians. Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day is observed each year on April 24th to mourn this tragic experience and remember the terrible cost of genocide on communities around the world.

In the 15th century, the independent country of Armenia was absorbed into the growing Ottoman Empire. This resulted in both unequal and unjust treatment of the Armenian population at the hands of the Muslim Ottoman rulers. Christian Armenians paid higher taxes than Muslims, for example, and had few political or legal rights.

During World War I, the Ottoman Empire sided with both the Germans and the Austro-Hungarians. When Russian forces defeated Ottoman troops at the Battle of Sarakimis, the loss was blamed on supposed Armenian traitors and a belief that all Christian Armenians were disloyal. In spring 1915, the Ottoman government began the deportation of the Armenian population.

This also led to the start of the genocide with Armenians killed in local massacres, and many others who died during deportation, as a result of starvation, dehydration, exposure, and disease.

As of 2024, the governments of thirty-two countries – including the United States – have recognized the events of 1915 as a genocide. However, the current Turkish government still does not acknowledge the scope of these events.

Countries that Recognize the Armenian Genocide

Learn more about the Armenian Genocide HERE

The Genocide Education Project shares books to read about the Armenian Genocide

California Declares April 24 ‘Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day’ as a state holiday

How Armenian culture has shaped Los Angeles

This day is important in California as the state is home to the largest number of Armenians living outside of Armenia itself. Just under 250,000 Armenian Americans live in California, with the majority living in Los Angeles county within Glendale, Burbank, Hollywood, and North Hollywood. Roadbook calls it “a community of prominent innovators, entrepreneurs, and artists that have helped LA become the vibrant, modern city that it is today.”

On Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, we remember those who lost their lives and remain ever vigilant against hatred in any form.

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