Honoring Melaney Torres as Employee of the Month – January 2024

Last Updated January 11, 2024

Each month we recognize two outstanding staff members for their top quality work and team building.  These successes reflect their deep caring about our crucial Mission to touch the lives of those faced with great challenges with health conditions made worse by poverty and other vital social factors. 

Congratulations to Melaney Torres for being recognized as Employee of the Month for January 2024!

Melaney Torres, is a social worker for STSS and has been with us since 2020. She is the only social worker we have who works with the Beverly Hills Fire Department Nurse Practitioner program, linking individuals with complex social determinants of health needs with social services. She completes home visits for all her patients and collaborates with their families, loved ones, and other social service agencies in the community to get them linked to care. She is caring, compassionate and is always going above and beyond to address patient’s needs. Beverly Hills Fire Department NP team are very happy to have Melaney working with them and as result of her dedication to her patients, they recently extended and doubled our contract. Melaney has worked with over 165 people through the BHFD and has helped to get them IHSS and other caregivers, DME, transportation, housing, life alerts, and many other things. Melaney is also working towards her LCSW and is working on her clinical supervision hours. She is participating in Partner’s Mental Health Support Program by providing therapy sessions to Partner’s LTSS participants. She has previously worked on the Anthem program, and until recently held a caseload for both programs. For the Anthem program Melaney worked with people referred while inpatient which have the strictest timelines and tend to also have higher needs. She goes out of her way to provide assistance without hesitation, she is responsible and well organized. We are fortunate to have Melaney in our team!

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